Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, April 10, 2015

Defense ministry entrusts detection of crimes of political revenge to an unhinged villain of a lawyer

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News- 10.April.2015, 11.00PM) The defense ministry has appointed a committee to inquire into crimes of political revenge. Believe it or not , the chief of that committee is a lawyer who was Gotabaya’s official half brother and had himself committed all the political revenges against the enemies of the Rajapakses , directly assisting in the cruelties and barbarities  of the previous brutal despotic regime.

By name he is Harigupta (right Gupta) Rohanaweera , but going by his bestial nature he is  Veredhigupta  (wrong Gupta) Rohanaweera for  there was nothing in him that was hari (right) , mentally and morally. Indeed , based on his putrid antecedence ,truly  he should by now be behind bars. The reason for this is : he is a brute who took steps to arrest Kotikawatte local body chairman Prasanna Solongarachi on a frame up when the latter   came forward  to extend support to the opposition common candidate Maithripala Sirisena at that time.
While  claiming that Solangarachchi gave him an illegal firearm , an urban council member made a complaint to the police along  with a pistol. The lawyer who appeared with this complainant to make  this  false complaint was this  Harigupta the black coated shark that knew not what is ‘hari (right) and what is veredhi (wrong ) . If the law was truly being abided by ( which never was under the bestial  Rajapakses), first and foremost it is the complainant and the lawyer who accompanied him who should have been arrested, and the individual against whom the complaint   was made that the latter gave him the pistol should have been arrested subsequently.
What should have been done by the defense ministry in respect of this false complaint against which no action has been taken until today is , enforce the law duly against this complainant , and arrested him . Sadly , instead of this available course of action , the lawyer who carried out vindictive activities against the enemies of the previous government has been appointed now as the head of the  committee investigating political revenge .
In the circumstances , while knowing  this manimal lawyer is a criminal , those who appointed him as the head  of the committee inquiring into political revenge   are certainly  mental , and they must be subjected to a psychiatric evaluation , to ensure whether by any chance those who should be inmates of the lunatic asylum have become political mates of  the sane and sensible. Besides , this lawyer contested elections  too under  the Rajapakse ticket .When this is the actual position ,how can such an unscrupulous scoundrel search and identify  the true victims of the venom and vengeance   of the Rajapakses ?

Again believe it or not, to secure advice and recommendations pertaining to the complaints made by the former officers of the army who have been subjected to injustice , it is the corrupt Rajapakse lickspittles and bootlickers like Lal Perera , (Rajapakse relative), Sumedha Perera , and Ambanpola  , the chiefs of the present regiments who have been appointed . Lanka e news had already exposed the misdeeds and evils  committed by  these scoundrels under the Rajapakse regime
Similarly to obtain advice and recommendations in regard to the complaints made by the Naval officers who suffered injustice , it is the navy commander Jayantha Perera (Rajapakse relative) , and Rozairo , the  Rajapakse loin cloth sniffer dogs have been sought . About these rascals too Lanka e news had the fortune to garner information and  expose them – that is how they stooped to the lowliest levels to serve the  brutal crooked Rajapakses .
These villainous incompetent army and Naval officers (some even past  retiring age and suffering from senile decay)  are still continuing in the high positions  because it is they who earlier on expelled the genuine honest officers who have made these complaints. . In such circumstances ,to call for advice and recommendations from the lapdogs and lackeys of Gota  in regard to the officers who suffered injustice and  cruelties under MaRa –Hora (murderer cum rogue)  administration is something that is  incomprehensible let alone excusable  by any  stretch of imagination. It is tantamount to inquiring about the culprit from his own mother 
by     (2015-04-10 19:44:41)